Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Brick Wall in My Life

Sunday Scribblings Prompt: Happy Endings

It would give me so much joy if I could help people have happy endings to problems in their lives. I am especially interested in helping, or even adopting, some of the
143 million orphans that are without their own families. I'd like to finish the last 2 years needed for my degree in Psychology and help people through counseling, too. But for now, these goals are out of my reach. First, I have to deal with the big brick wall in my life.

That big brick wall would be financial problems. My husband and I created a mountain of debt and we're also a one income family while I homeschool the kids. These are choices that we made, but the consequences of said choices makes for one great big wall that I find myself dealing with on a daily basis. Every day, I have to make frugal decisions and figure out how to pay the overdue bills.

Our goal is to get over this wall, so that we can be freed up to live a more fulfilling life - helping others. However, for now, this big wall of debt keeps us from pursuing those things. It seems ridiculous to me that I continue plugging away dealing with silly financial problems while other people deal with more serious problems.
It would be so disappointing for me if I end up wasting many opportunities, because of the lack of finances. But financial problems can control lives and paralyze dreams.

Having this brick wall shows me how bad I want to be on the other side of it. I probably desire things like adopting orphans and helping others, because there is no possible way to have it right now. I think that it is normal for people not to realize blessings when they are so easily available. It's the things that we wait and hope for that we really appreciate.

I'm willing to keep pressing on until I get past this brick wall, even if it takes longer than I could possibly imagine. Perseverance isn't easy, but it's a requirement when you have big plans ahead. Hopefully, this will all result in a happy ending for me, too.


Video: Are You Good Enough for Heaven? with Kirk Cameron


totomai said...

everyone dreams of a happy ending, i believe.

you have a good heart and one day, i hope you can get rid of that wall and you can truly embrace the beauty that awaits you :-)

such an inspiring post

Tanya Gwen Minnick said...

I am sure you will pass through that brick wall and help many people. What a wonderful thing to strive for! best of luck :)

Anonymous said...

Hope you DO get the happy ending you deserve :)

rebecca said...

one of the lessons that zen teaches you is to live in the "now." the future will come and take care of itself, but try not to focus too much on what you want to do "then" so you don't miss the wonderful opportunities you have at hand "now." like being home and raising your children. not many mothers get that opportunity and your children are blessed to have you home.

i'm a little older than you and my child is now 29 years old. what i have found over the years is that everything has its time. i would not worry too much daisy, you appear like someone with a big heart who will one day realize all of your dreams.


Anonymous said...

I've been there! Things do have a habit of coming right in the end.

Anonymous said...

I hope you can get your happy ending! I'm sure financial problems are ones that can be overcome with time and careful planning, so I'm sure it'll work out fine.

Mary J. said...

exactly! I just wrote a blog post about that! Everything else in my life is nearly perfect, except the financial part. And I just heard a beautiful story about adoption on NPR! I have a newborn son, but adoption and fostering is something my husband and I both want to do too.

Good luck to both of us!
A Fairy Tale

danni said...

it's said that we are all exactly where we are supposed to be in the world, in our lives --- it's difficult to struggle and makes us impatient for sure - but you do have wonderful blessings that money could never buy right now - you have beautiful aspirations, and i just know that in time your hopes and dreams will be reality!!!

Devil Mood said...

I really hope a happy ending to the financial issues comes your way, particularly when you have such great intentions for your future. I'm confident the Universe will recognize that and give you a hand :)

Granny Smith said...

I am one of the many who hope for a happy ending for you. Have you made plans as to how to get over your wall?

Gill said...

With goals like that you are bound to succeed, you just need to work at it one brick at a time!

Anonymous said...

Financial issues are a problem...but it sounds like you are tackling them in a measured way.

Anonymous said...

lovely pink daisies... great blog.. dr mcgee, he's the best.. choices, goals.. pressing till we reach the mark.. it is not so easy as we thought it would be.. we press on till then... one day it seems insurpassable another as if it were a passing breeze.. happy endings we all look forward to that...