What is your favorite comfort food?
My answer: If I need quick comfort - chocolate chips straight out of the bag. If I can wait 45 minutes for comfort - brownies.

Video: Are You Good Enough for Heaven? with Kirk Cameron
Posted by Maisie at 12:00 AM
Definitely ice cream, of the pralines and caramel variety.
Pie crust. I love pie crust. I always take any extra from making a pie and bake it with sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on it.
A bag of fries! Super size!
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh this is easy! Fresh, HOT, home made bread with honey butter!
I would say chocolates too!
My favorite comfort food is sheppards pie and chocoalte cake! Wow, it has been a while since I had both now that you have asked that question. I think I will have to make one or the other on Sunday since the weather calls for rain!
chocolate covered strawberries. that would be the top of my very long list of comfort foods =)
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